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Union County Vocational-Technical School District Mission

The Union County Vocational-Technical School District is dedicated to advancing the learning and well being of all students. A quality learning experience is provided that fosters democratic values, risk taking and a love of learning.

Electrical Technology at Adult School

The Electrical Technology class begins the first semester with Safety and Residential wiring. Students learn how to wire a house from start to finish including all devices such as, but not limited to, switches, receptacles, fixtures, panel, meter, and smoke detectors. The first semester also covers schematic drawings, blueprint reading, and project estimating...

About the UCVTS Adult School Programs

An apprenticeship program is an agreement between an employer and an employee. As part of this agreement, the employer (sponsor) agrees to provide the employee (apprentice) with on-the-job-training. The apprentice also agrees to attend related instruction classes for the length of the apprenticeship.

UCVTS provides related instruction in many areas through the Adult Evening School.

Certificates are awarded for successful completion of apprenticeship by both the U.S. Department of Labor and the N.J, Department of Labor and Workforce Development. The USDOL certificates are recognized nationally. 

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The Union County Vocational-Technical Adult School’s mission is to provide educational opportunities for adults to acquire technical skills for a new career, enhance existing skills, or to enrich personal lives. We believe lifelong learning is a necessity to everyone, and afford all students the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in technology allowing them to remain competitive in the work environment.

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The Union County Vocational-Technical Adult School’s mission is to provide educational opportunities for adults to acquire technical skills for a new career, enhance existing skills, or to enrich personal lives. We believe lifelong learning is a necessity to everyone, and afford all students the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in technology allowing them to remain competitive in the work environment.

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