Post Secondary
Mission Statement
The Union County Vocational-Technical Adult School’s mission is to provide educational opportunities for adults to acquire technical skills for a new career, enhance existing skills, or to enrich personal lives. We believe lifelong learning is a necessity to everyone, and afford all students the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in technology allowing them to remain competitive in the work environment.
The Union County Vocational Technical Adult School offers 4 full time Postsecondary programs. Each program is 10 months in length and is 6 hours a day. The four programs are as follows:
Adult School Applications and Forms
Now taking adult applications for September. Call 908-889-8288 ext. 304
Click here for the 2024-2025 UCVTS Adult School Tuition Application.
Tuition Costs are located on the application.
Financial Aid available for qualified applicants at
We accept G.I. Bills through the Department of Veteran Affairs.